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HomeBusinessAlibaba employees angry at company's handling of rape case

Alibaba employees angry at company’s handling of rape case

These Chinese big companies need to prove that they are indeed better companies, not just catching up with the opportunities of the times.

For the first time, in the face of negative public opinion about Alibaba, old Alibaba people who are full of Alibaba culture, public relations who pay special attention to the company’s image, and HR who are considered to always be in line with the management’s interests and pace, they are no longer silent, no longer protecting it, no longer caring about it, but publicly expressing his disappointment and anger.

“This is our shame.” Someone said.

“More than ten years, day and night, but this moment the heart is really shaken.” An old Alibaba person with more than ten years of service wrote on social media. A middle-level manager of the P9 rank expressed his indignation fiercely, “a great shame”, “unbelievable”, “not a normal person’s behavior.”

“I look down on myself. I can’t do anything.” An Alibaba publicist publicly stated his shame, “Why am I in this company? Why am I so angry?” He said that he did not dare to change the Ding Ding portrait to #MeToo, I dare not express dissatisfaction with the company in the circle of friends, nor do I dare to leave this place. What he can do is to remove the company name from his profile on social networks.

Public relations were originally the role of firefighters when there was a major public opinion in the company, but this time, they could not restrain their emotions. Another Alibaba PR was more direct. He retweeted a picture that said “Sorrow is more than death”, but it has now been deleted.

“How can the shining existence in everyone’s eyes be like this? I am so cold, disappointed, helpless, angry, and confused.” An intern who had just joined Alibaba was equally emotional.

An Alibaba HR said that he cried after seeing it, “Be a kind person, at least as an individual first.” Another founder of an Alibaba-invested company said that he gradually became disappointed and completely disappointed. No anger. A startup CEO said, “It’s not that this kind of thing happened at all that makes people desperate, but that this kind of thing happened and the company didn’t have a leader to help her.”

Someone raised a question, “I don’t know what reasonable reason the man in question used to explain his entering and leaving his colleague’s hotel room in the middle of the night, so that the HR and business executives will think that both parties are different from each other.”

At 3 o’clock in the morning on August 8, a middle-level manager of Tmall said in the company’s DingTalk group, “I was so angry that I couldn’t sleep.” Like him, there were countless ordinary people who had believed in Alibaba.

This is a night of shame for 250,000 Alibaba people and many more former Alibaba people.

The late investigation, late apology

In the evening of the previous day, Alibaba female employee Xin Yue (pseudonym) chose the most reluctant step – a real-name post on the intranet saying that she had been molested by merchants and her superior during a business trip.

There is really no better way. Xinyue said that she reported to the police as soon as possible, but a few days later, when she asked the company to deal with the communication with the male employees involved, she encountered delays and cold treatment. Yu Ming company security drove away. Xinyue complained about her experience in the past 11 days in the post. The post was quickly spread to the Internet, and the complete article of 6,938 words was uploaded to the software development platform GitHub. The public opinion spread quickly, and the entry of #Alibaba# quickly became the number one search on Weibo.

Many people were surprised that the male leader suspected of molesting female colleagues, the man was not immediately suspended, and the woman’s repeated complaints were unsuccessful. This kind of thing would happen in Alibaba, a company that was once recognized as a model of the Internet industry, and was recognized as paying attention. An employee caring company, its founder said “customers first, employees second, shareholders third”, and cordially hosted a collective wedding for everyone on the company’s anniversary.

Public opinion was surging, and the results of Alibaba’s interim survey were quickly released a day later. In the early morning of the 9th, Zhang Yong, CEO of Alibaba Group and Chairman of the Board of Directors, announced the handling decision: Li Yonghe, president of the same city retail business group, and HRG Xu Kun resigned, Alibaba Chief Human Resources Officer (CPO) Tong Wenhong recorded the punishment and the suspected male employee was dismissed, never hire again, whether there is any illegal behavior, still need to wait for the police to investigate and collect evidence.

Some Alibaba employees thought that the punishment of Li Yonghe was too serious. “A business group president, a group vice president with a level of P11, resigned because of his indifference to his subordinates and the fact that the news has not been read back. This is also ‘unprecedented’.”

In the adjustment of the organizational structure a month ago, Alibaba just handed over the important battlefield-local life business to Li Yonghe, who was also regarded as Zhang Yong’s “right man”.

On the surface, in this incident, Alibaba executives lacked empathy, and the company’s management mechanism was also failing. Closer, there have been many loopholes in this huge system, and it is hard to say how effective the previous remedial actions have been. And what came with the Xinyue incident was the collapse of trust.

According to the latest investigation report issued by Alibaba at 5:30 a.m. on the 9th, the incident took place on July 27. Dinner on that day was held at the Huanyu branch of Jinan Yujia Denghuo Restaurant. There were 4 Alibaba employees including Wang Chengwen and Xinyue. Four employees from Jinan Hualian also participated, and the dinner ended at 22:00. In the Jinan Hualian Supermarket project team of Taoxianda, Wang Chengwen is the project leader and Xinyue is a member of the project team.

Xinyue graduated in 2016 and just joined Alibaba last year and is married. Her colleague Wang Chengwen joined Alibaba in 2015, from Anhui regional manager, step by step to the East China region store digital leader, and joined Taoxianda in October last year, and successively served as the leader of the Southwest Region and North China Region. From the perspective of his resume, Wang Chengwen’s promotion is not fast. He has joined Alibaba for nearly 6 years and his rank is still P7.

In the investigation, Alibaba emphasized whether there was Wang Chengwen and the merchant’s employees pouring alcohol into Xinyue during the dinner, and whether Xinyue was assaulted by the merchant’s employees during the dinner. The two behaviors remain to be clarified.

According to Xinyue’s self-report, that night, she was persuaded to drink in the name of work, “people dare not refuse, cannot refuse.” At the wine table, Zhang Guo, a male employee of Jinan Hualian, performed indecent actions such as kissing and touching him. According to surveillance, she was taken to another unmanned box when she saw that she was drunk.

In an interview with the Beijing News, Zhang Guo admitted to having contacts such as cuddling, but denied other allegations, and did not admit that he had taken the woman into the box alone. The reporter called Zhang Guo many times, but his call could not be reached all the time. On August 9th, according to the official account of “Jinan Hualian Supermarket”, Zhang Guo had been dismissed on the grounds that “failure to comply with the employee code of conduct, due to improper behavior, has an extremely bad influence and damages the corporate image”.

Xin Yue stated that Wang Chengwen did not stop Zhang Guo’s indecent behavior towards her during the whole process. After she became drunk and unconscious, Wang Chengwen and a female Jinan Hualian employee Chen sent her back to the hotel room, and after leaving with Chen, she returned to the hotel alone and applied for the room card for the Xinyue room at the front desk. Entered his room four times in total, with the longest one exceeding 20 minutes.

For what reason can a male leader apply for the room card of a female colleague? Without the consent of the parties, why can I enter and exit multiple times with my room card? If Xinyue’s statement is true, then the hotel is also in default.

The next morning, on July 28, Xin Yue found herself waking up naked, her underwear was missing, and she found the condom package that had been opened. Xinyue reported to the police immediately and checked the monitoring to confirm the fact that Wang Chengwen had entered the room. In the afternoon of the same day, she cooperated with the Jinan police in the process of physical examination, on-site identification, and evidence collection.

Xinyue described that during the 24-hour police detention and interrogation, Wang Chengwen, who originally admitted to intimacy on the phone with Xinyue, said that everything was the woman’s initiative.

This concludes all the statements on the merits of the case. The huge information gap is whether after Xin Yue reported the case, could the sexual assault be filed? What did Wang Chengwen do in and out of Xinyue’s hotel room four times? Why can he return to Hangzhou to work without cooperating with follow-up investigations?

Today, it is still unclear whether to file a case. The reporter called the local police station on the afternoon of the 9th, and the other party refused to answer the question “whether to file a case”, saying that “the case is under investigation, and the details are announced.”

According to the judgment of a lawyer who has dealt with multiple adult sexual assault cases and minor sexual assault cases in China, if the woman’s self-report is true, then Wang Chengwen may constitute a sexual assault in law and is a criminal offense.

The lawyer believes that the woman cannot clearly express her sexual consent when she is drunk.

It is not only the case itself that caused Xinyue’s anger. Alibaba’s handling of it caused her another serious injury.

Sexual assault is a criminal case, but workplace sexual harassment due to work has already constituted. The lawyer believes that Alibaba, as a company, has the responsibility to deal with such behaviors as girls being taken to the wine bureau, forced to drink, and indulging in customer harassment.

In 2018, sexual harassment was added as a cause in the interpretation of personality rights in the Civil Code, clarifying the obligation of employers to take various measures to prevent and stop sexual harassment in the workplace. But in fact, this supplementary regulation does not mean that the company is subject to compulsory supervision in terms of anti-sexual assault promotion. Instead, it encourages the company to actively establish an internal anti-sexual harassment mechanism in the workplace, covering prevention, investigation, feedback and other aspects.

Judging from the process of processing that has been made public so far, the lawyer believes that Alibaba may not have established the above-mentioned mechanism internally, “or it has been established, but this time it is not working at all.” Therefore, from the perspective of civil liability, in this incident, Alibaba is responsible for the dereliction of duty in anti-sexual harassment in the workplace.

And this treatment, after the complete explosion of public opinion, became an anchor point for the public to accuse Alibaba of ineffective handling.

The inaction of senior and middle management

At 17:00 on August 2nd, Xin Yue came to Hangzhou with her husband. She reported to supervisors Gan Qiliang (flower name A-Gump), Zhou Tianmu (flower name: Jiu Rong) and HRG (Human Resources Specialist) Yue Er (flower name) Wang Chengwen, and put forward his own request: to expel Wang Chengwen; take a long vacation by himself. In the evening of the same day, HRG Xu Kun from the retail business group in the same city also learned of the matter and immediately participated in the handling.

Alibaba promised to provide the processing result in 3 days. But on August 5, Xinyue got a reply that made her feel “speechless and ridiculous”-“Considering her reputation, Wang Chengwen will not be expelled.”

Alibaba mentioned in its latest investigation progress published internally on the 9th that on the second day of Xinyue’s report, on August 3, HRG and the first-level supervisor discovered Wang Chengwen’s statement of facts and Xinyue’s description. completely different. That night, Li Yonghe, president of the same city retail business group, also learned of the incident, but did not take the initiative to intervene and participate in the handling.

That night, a major misjudgment by these management and HRs was that they decided to wait for the police’s investigation results and did not immediately suspend Wang Chengwen.

After the incident, the reporter contacted a manager with the rank of P9, and the other party said that it was “a great shame” and “unbelievable”. But when asked what his team should do if something similar happened to his team, he didn’t give an answer. Another middle-level manager said that it would certainly not be handled in the same way as this matter, but he did not answer how it would be handled.

In a large company with 250,000 people, most managements are not clear about what measures they should take when facing complaints of sexual assault or even sexual harassment, what is the company’s mechanism, and what response speed should be used to deal with them.

This is not just a middle-level doubt, and rising to a higher level may not necessarily have a clear answer.

What further intensified conflicts and chilled employees were the replies from senior executives on the intranet after Xinyue posted a post. These replies were judged by Alibaba employees and the outside world as being nonchalant, indifferent, lacking empathy, and avoiding problems. An Alibaba employee said, “Our executives can no longer speak well.”

Alibaba partner and CPO (Chief Talent Officer) Tong Wenhong’s reply 3 hours after Xinyue’s post was widely circulated. The most questioned sentence was “Review this matter and whether there are any problems in the process”.

One Chinese internet user commented that “everyone can see that there is a problem”, and another internet user disliked the Internet slang of “Review”.

At 1:30 on August 8th, Jiang Fang, who is also a partner of Alibaba, replied, “When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.”

Including the 120,000 increase after the consolidation of RT-Mart, the number of employees reported by Alibaba to the open market has exceeded 250,000, plus Alibaba holding or investment companies, outsourcing personnel, etc., the total number is no less than one million. In many people’s minds, with such a large number of employees, Alibaba has become a slice of society, and to some extent, the probability of “wicked people” will also increase.

But this should not be a reason for company management to avoid problems and responsibilities.

A person familiar with Alibaba believes that there are two reasons from the system level: everything in the company is business-oriented, and emphasizes performance more than individual employees. This led to Xinyue’s description that Wang Chengwen did not rank first even if he was reported. Time was suspended; secondly, officials at the senior level crushed people. In the past, Alibaba’s 361 assessment system (the mandatory 10% requirement was canceled at the end of last year) allowed supervisors to directly decide the promotion and resignation of subordinates, which also led to Xinyue very much. It is difficult to refuse the business trip and accompany request made by the leader.

When public opinion was boiling over the entire network, CEO Zhang Yong only posted at 2:31 am on the 8th that he knew about this incident. It seemed that he was unaware of Xinyue’s call in the company cafeteria on the 6th. This may indicate that the person who should have reported this incident to him did not choose to tell Zhang Yong the first time, but chose to do more than to do less.

The reporter learned that Alibaba employees can directly chat with the CEO privately through DingTalk, but from Xinyue’s post, she did not choose to do so, and only communicated to the level of business group president Li Yonghe.

In this incident, from Alibaba’s business unit (BU), to the business group (BG), to the HR team and even the CEO, all communication channels failed.

What makes people feel warm is that Alibaba employees spontaneously established a rights protection organization “Brave Niuniu Help Group” on Dingding on the evening of the 7th. This group has evolved several times, and the number has grown from a few hundred people to more than 6000 people today. This is the first time in the history of Alibaba. Their appeal is to help Xin Yue and provide her with psychological and legal assistance. At present, the founders of the two groups have joined the investigation team organized by the company to follow up the overall investigation progress.

In the latest handling decision on the 9th, Zhang Yong gave a series of reflection and action directions. However, some employees questioned whether it was too late to make up for the situation. Do we have to wait until employees are disappointed in the company and lose trust in order to usher in change?

What is an accident? What is inevitable?

The incident of Xinyue’s infringement itself has many accidental factors-it happened in one of the provinces and cities where the wine table culture is popular, Shandong Jinan; Taoxianda needs offline supermarkets to enter the platform, this determines that traditional retail companies such as Jinan Hualian are relatively strong when discussing cooperation; the same-city retail business group where Taoxianda is located, has just made organizational adjustments a month ago, and the rights and responsibilities of many things are still unclear.

But is it inevitable? Most of the people inside and outside Alibaba interviewed by the reporter expressed a point of view: “We are not surprised that such an incident occurred in Alibaba.”-This “not unexpected” itself illustrates a big problem.

Previously, the Alibaba sex scandals spread on social media were not rare. The most interesting was the private life of Taobao Tmall President Jiang Fan and platform stakeholder Zhang Dayi in April last year; another P8 accounted for 16,000. Recruiting personal assistants on a monthly salary is actually a maintenance; a P7 male employee of the newly established MMC business group was exposed on the intranet and had at least 7 girlfriends at the same time; a middle-level male and his female boss were caught by security at the private meeting of the company parking lot He moved to another job, and now he went to another Internet giant.

Most sex scandals, large and small, were first fermented on Alibaba’s intranet and then spread. People often regard it as a matter of personal morality, as a gossip, and the company will not come forward to deal with it. Many Alibaba employees said that they have become accustomed to such incidents.

However, the nature of this Xinyue incident is fundamentally different. An Alibaba employee said that the Jiang Fan incident is the personal virtue of a big man and is a gossip incident. The public is morally derogatory and jokes. The public characterizes that Alibaba has a scumbag; this incident is a big humiliation by a small man and is suspected of criminality. In the case, the law must be severely sentenced, the company must be severely punished, and the public judged that Alibaba has evil people.

The controversial Alibaba “yellow storm” culture has also been mentioned again. For a long time, Alibaba will use the motivational language of “very yellow and violent, strong and lasting”. Alibaba’s ice-breaking culture was once questioned because of its excessive scale. An Alibaba employee said that this culture originated from the B2B sales culture of the year, but it no longer adapts to the current Alibaba.

The reporter interviewed many employees who joined Alibaba in different positions and in different years, and learned that excessive ice-breaking behavior still exists in some departments of Alibaba, but it has been greatly reduced compared with before. The Amoy technical and B department employees who joined in 2017 all stated that the team building did not encounter similar behaviors.

The ice-breaking culture varies greatly in different departments, mainly depending on the personal style of the head of the department. An employee who joined Alibaba in early 2020 said that he and his colleagues were asked to kiss each other with tongues during the ice-breaking session, and finally changed to lip kisses. They were also asked to expose various details of their private lives. “If you don’t tell me, there are eight bottles of beer for one problem.” Employees are unwilling to disclose their job information.

An employee who just resigned from Alibaba Pictures last year said that the team would play some larger-scale games during the small annual meeting, such as male employees doing push-ups while female employees lay down. In his observation, “women want to rise in the company, and they seem to be better at opening up pornography than men. That attitude makes people feel that (she) can mingle with male executives.”

And the founder of this company did not have much sense of boundary in his speech.

At the Alibaba Day collective wedding in May 2019, Ma Yun said to 102 newcomers to the company during the marriage: “We emphasize the spirit of 996 in work, and we want 669 in life, which is six times in six days. The key is to be ‘lasting.’ “He also mentioned, “The key to a happy marriage is to use’Dingding’ (the homonym of Dingding) and less use of ‘prestige’ (the homonym of WeChat).” The scale is quite large.

Alibaba’s top-down culture of rivers and lakes and the internal open rank system bring a clear hierarchy, involving the business level. They are embodied by emphasizing fairness, integrity, and zero tolerance for corruption. However, in terms of organizational management, they treat employees especially high. The scandal of Guan’s private life was left unchecked, and the situation was not dealt with until the situation expanded.

Therefore, when Xinyue reported the violation to Wang Chengwen’s direct leader, Gan Qiliang, Gan Qiliang did not first judge the nature of the matter, whether it was serious or not. According to Xinyue’s description, Gan Qiliang’s first reaction was “they are all business problems, and I often travel on business. I have known that there will be problems.” This is the same as Alibaba’s deputy CPO Jiang Fang’s reply on the night of Xinyue’s post—— The core meaning of “the forest is big and all birds have” is similar.

When certain people become accustomed to the company’s various sexual scandals, and as the number of companies increases, they tend to think that the occurrence of similar events is a probability problem rather than an organizational problem.

This kind of conceptual numbness is truly terrible, and it has found a justified excuse for the company when there is a management problem.

It’s not that there is a problem with the values, but the person who implements it has a problem

Alibaba is the first Internet giant to emphasize values ​​and prepare values ​​in advance for business expansion.

A person who left Alibaba six years ago and spent time in B2B, Tmall and Shoutao told reporter that the most thorough implementation of Alibaba’s values ​​is B2B, which is also the earliest business of Alibaba. In the memories of this former employee, the entire department was close to Jack Ma’s own style at the time: street wisdom, chivalrous heart, brotherhood, and collective honor.

The above-mentioned people said that when working at Alibaba B2B, they rarely felt “office politics” and poor communication with senior management. Alibaba has nearly 10,000 people, and when the B2B business has been listed in Hong Kong, new graduates still have the opportunity to have a box lunch with Jack Ma and invite him to share. At that time, the training time for new recruits was also longer, half a month to a month away from labor, “talking about values half of the time”, and talking about specific cases-how to do “customer first” and how to do “embracing change” “.

After the development of Tmall and Taobao, they have attracted more foreign enterprise elites and graduates from prestigious schools. Compared with street wisdom, they are more data-oriented and systematic thinking. However, in the view of some B2B old employees, some have also brought “PPT first”, “Speaking is better than doing”, “Office politics” and so on that dilute Alibaba’s original culture.

From B2B to Taobao business, Alibaba has changed from Party B to actual Party A (an e-commerce platform with huge traffic), and the differences in business models have also changed the organizational culture. The former employee said that when he first went to Taobao to rotate, he was shocked when he saw Xiaoer attacking a platform merchant on the phone. In his eyes, over the past ten years, Alibaba has been sentimental and righteous, and the atmosphere of being regarded as home by employees is gradually diminishing, the original idealism is diminishing, and materialism is expanding.

The old Alibaba also accepted that although Alibaba’s transformation is sad, it is not beyond common sense. This is the inevitable result of a company’s growth.

The 2016 moon cake incident set a very high standard for Alibaba’s values-several programmers who used technical means to grab a few more boxes of moon cakes sold by the company (and reported in time) would be expelled.

This high standard of values encountered “Waterloo” in the Jiang Fan incident.

Alibaba’s punishment for Jiang Fan was to cancel his partner status, record his demerits, downgrade his rank, and cancel all awards in the previous fiscal year. Compared with the moon cake incident, this punishment was considered too light by some Alibaba employees.

“We began to reflect on whether the moon cake incident that year was punished too severely.” Tong Wenhong first publicly mentioned the controversial moon cake incident four years ago in the live broadcast meeting “Partner has an appointment” for all the company’s partners in May last year. “Everyone knows what the easier decision is. But we are still a business organization after all.” Zhang Yong added.

The dilution of values is happening. An employee who joined Alibaba last year is very sober, “This is just a management tool.” This is similar to what a middle-level person said. They believe that the pursuit of values by employees is purely immature behavior. For managers, this is after all a way to serve the business machine.

Beginning last year, Alibaba’s values have been questioned by employees. From Jiang Fan’s private life incident to Dingding P9’s test-taking incident, employees’ confidence in Alibaba fell to a trough. In our report last year, one comment was widely publicized. In order to spread, “low P touches the red line, low P is gone; high P touches the red line, and the red line is gone.”

For Alibaba employees, the biggest impact is that they are beginning to wonder, what is the standard for the red line of values?

Perhaps, the meaning of values is not the 59-character new Six-Medical Sword. Its meaning lies in the values themselves. When a key issue arises, can we use this as a criterion to distinguish right from wrong and be consistent with the outside; when the management strictly requires employees and 360-degree assessment Can you be strict with yourself and lead by example?

The values are actually very simple. Ben Horowitz, the founder of venture capital firm a16z, stated in his new book that the values are “what you do is who you are”.

A former Alibaba person said that the discomfort and discomfort of cultural values may be small at first, but when the normal solution is blocked, it is easy to explode and enlarge, and quickly evolve into the opposition of values in their original intentions and landings. And tear.

So when someone proposes to add “respect for women” to Alibaba’s values, it is actually putting the cart before the horse. Because it’s not the values themselves that are wrong, but the people who implement them.

On September 10, 2019, at the 20th anniversary conference of Alibaba, Jack Ma officially stepped down as chairman of Alibaba’s board of directors on that day. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of values to Alibaba. He said: All major decisions have nothing to do with money, but with values.”

The above-mentioned people expressed emotion and hope that the highlight moment of tens of thousands of people singing and crying at the 2019 conference will not become the fading peak of all Alibaba people’s memories.

Not only about Xinyue, but also about Alibaba

All along, Chinese Internet giants have tried to convince people that they have a better work culture:

In these companies, employees are not “colleagues” or “comrades”, but “classmates.” They graduated from a simple environment, walked into another simple environment and started to work. There is no “Mr. Ma” or “Mr. Zhang”. Even if the most basic level employee meets the founder of the company, he can theoretically call him by his name, whether he uses his fancy name (Feng Qingyang), English name (Pony), or Name (Yi Ming).

Employees are united by the company’s mission, vision, and values, and work long hours every day in exchange for excessive returns.

For more than 20 years, this set of cultures have driven companies to establish in private houses and grow into giants worth tens of billions and hundreds of billions of dollars, employing one or two million employees and serving hundreds of millions of users.

Participants in this industry are willing to believe that their success is due to the establishment of advanced management mechanisms and correct corporate values. But as growth slowed, the halo dissipated. People are beginning to reflect on what problems are hidden in the rapid expansion of this industry.

Xinyue’s problem will not be an exception. She suffered injustices and complained again and again to no avail. Only when she posted her real name was Alibaba’s attention.

When an environment does not encourage victims to speak up, more victims will remain silent. After the #MeToo movement broke out, the US Federal Equitable Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) survey found that at least one-third of women believed that they had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, and 7% had experienced sexual assault. However, more than 3/4 of the victims would not report their experiences to the company’s superiors and managers, mainly because they did not trust the official process.

It is unlikely that Xinyue will happen to be the only one experiencing problems among Alibaba’s 250,000 people. More people have had similar experiences in more companies, but they just didn’t stand up or get the attention they deserve.

Alibaba’s handling of this matter is not only about Alibaba.

It is disgusting to ask female employees to accompany the drinks, and to say that they break the ice, but these behaviors are not uncommon in today’s business environment in China.

Compared with other industries, Internet giants have more abundant capital and greater motivation to eradicate bad practices. The current market value of Alibaba and Tencent not only surpasses any other Chinese company, but also surpasses the annual GDP of any Chinese city except Beijing and Shanghai.

Alibaba’s annual net profit exceeds 170 billion yuan, and it is fully capable of rejecting unreasonable industry rules. Alibaba employees also have more room to speak out and stand firm than most people.

If their efforts can promote the company to establish a more effective mechanism to protect the most basic rights of employees, it will not only protect these 250,000 people, but also allow more people working in other places to see a glimmer of hope.

Alibaba and the entire Internet industry are facing more and more condemnation and regulation. Today they still have the opportunity to prove that while making huge profits, they can also fight for more rights and interests for employees and users; they also have the opportunity to prove that they are indeed a better company, not just catching up with the opportunities of the times. Source

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